Special Seminar Meetings

Last Updated: October 17, 2024

Existing seminars may require from time to time additional funding for a "special meeting" event. These special seminar meetings may require expenses not normally covered by the University Seminars. For example, advanced audio visual needs, multiple guest speakers, additional space or catering needs, etc. Seminar Chairs must request advanced approval for this form of additional funding. Below are guidelines that need to be followed.

Guidelines for Special Seminar Meetings

  • Email Pamela Guardia at [email protected]. Include the following in your email:
    • A justification for your special seminar event.
    • A list of non-budgeted items required.
    • The approximate amount needed.
    • Any other sources of funding for the event.
  • Please review the list of budgeted items below. Any items not included in this list must be included in your email request for extra funding:
    • One meeting room
    • Faculty House group table in the shared dining space (for buffet meals)
    • Two bottles of wine
    • Faculty House labor charges
    • Complimentary meals for the chair(s), rapporteur(s), guest speaker(s), and respondent(s) (if applicable)
    • Partial meal subsidy for guests
    • AV services (laptops/MacBooks, Owls, LCD screens, projectors, microphones, and amplifiers)
    • Seminar guests who choose to dine at Faculty House are required to pay $30 per person (non-students) or $20 per person (students). See the Group Meals page Portal for more information.   

Non-Budgeted Faculty House Services that Require Pre-Approval

  • Submit a Special Meeting Planning Form.
  • Include the following in the planning form:
    • Event Name and Description
    • Faculty House special requests or other meeting location information
    • Share your list of any additional source of funding you expect to receive
    • Upload any meeting materials including program and announcement to the form
    • List any other source of funding in form
  • 20-Hour Rule for Graduate CU Students: Full-time Columbia University graduate students may not work more than 20 hours per week across all CU positions held. Many rapporteurs hold multiple positions at Columbia in a given semester.
  • Ideally, a rapporteur can work up to 15 hours for a given meeting. If your special meeting requires more than 15 hours, check with your rapporteur to ensure they are available to work the extra hours. If they are, send a written justification for the additional hours to Gesenia Alvarez at [email protected].
  • Consult "Rapporteur Hiring Guidelines" section on the Seminar Chairspage.