Meeting Planning

Effective: July 1, 2023
Last Updated: May 9, 2024

At the end of each academic year, Seminar Chairs are required to submit a new Academic Year (AY) Planning Form to Pamela Guardia [email protected].

This AY Meeting Planning Form conveys all initial meeting information to The University Seminars office. The schedule section of the form is used to reserve space at Faculty House, populate seminar schedules on the website, and to list seminar activity in the Annual Directory of Seminars, Speakers & Topics. Columbia University supports meetings over Zoom. If a chair cannot secure a licensed Zoom account, contact Pamela Guardia for information on how to obtain a licensed account. See the End-of-Year Tasks and Planning page for more information.


  • The form is used to report the incoming chair, rapporteur, and schedule for the upcoming year. This form is required of all Seminars whether or not they are planning to meet. For those not planning to meet, include a note specifying the reason you will not be meeting and what your future plans are for your seminar. 
  • If the Seminar is planning to take a hiatus, chairs must communicate this information to The University Seminars office via this form.
  • The schedule on this form is used to allot a budget to your seminar, reserve space in Faculty House, populate all seminar schedules on our website and in The Annual Directory. Schedules will be posted at our main website on each individual seminar page with the speaker name (where applicable) and meeting title.
  • Please be sure to include [email protected] on seminar email lists.
  • For schedule corrections throughout the year, email Pamela Guardia ([email protected]) and The University Seminars Office ([email protected]).