Membership in The University Seminars
Updated: November 19, 2024
The University Seminars at Columbia University bring together diverse groups of scholars and experts, including:
- Columbia University (including Barnard, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary) faculty from multiple departments and disciplines
- Faculty and scholars from other colleges, universities, and institutions
- Other academic and non-academic professionals
These interdisciplinary groups meet regularly to explore specific topics of interest. View the listing of seminars, in order of year of founding, here.
For more information about The University Seminars' history, events, and publications, visit the home page of the Seminars' website here.
Provided they comply with The University Seminars' policies and Bylaws, each seminar operates autonomously and is free to pursue its own intellectual direction.
Individual seminars may invite guests and students to participate in their meetings on a one-time, occasional, or regular basis, at the discretion of each seminar.
Formal membership in a University Seminars is by nomination only. Seminar chairs nominate new members. Members are faculty or postdoctoral scholars affiliated with Columbia (including Barnard College, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary). Associate members are non-Columbia affiliates with equivalent experience. Both members and associate members elect the chair(s) of the seminar to which they belong. Notwithstanding the distinction between members and associate members, all members and associate members participate in each seminar as equal partners and voting members.
The Director of The University Seminars Director reserves the right to reject a membership nomination.
Columbia-affiliated members retain their appointments to the seminar until:
- they resign from Columbia,
- they resign their membership,
- or the seminar requests that they be dropped for non-participation
Non-CU affiliates are referred to as "Associate Members." The Office of the Provost issued this definition of seminar associate members:
"Members of University Seminars who are from outside Columbia University are appointed as seminar associates. These appointments are made by the Director of the University Seminars on behalf of the President of Columbia University for a term of three years, which is renewable. Seminar Associates normally have the doctorate or its professional equivalent or have a demonstrated record of academic excellence or expertise in the area covered by their seminars. Students may not hold this appointment. Regular attendance is a prerequisite for maintaining membership in a University Seminar. The appointments of seminar associate members who do not attend sufficient meetings each year are renewed only in special circumstances."
Associate Members may request the following:
- A Columbia University Identification Card (CUID)
- Required for entrance to the Libraries and Dodge Fitness Center
- A Uni and password for access to Columbia University Libraries e-resources (CLIO)
- Access to CU Libraries
- Free reading and borrowing privileges at CU Libraries
- Access to Columbia University Libraries remote access and CLIO
- Dodge Fitness Center Membership
- Non-CU affiliated associate members are eligible to use Dodge Fitness Center for a monthly fee with a valid CUID card.
- For information on how to use these facilities, contact the Dodge Membership office at
If your CUID card or UNI has expired, please email [email protected] the following: full name, date of birth, UNI (if any), and name of the seminar. Please make sure to cc your seminar chair/co-chairs to sign off on your request. A staff member will confirm the active status of your membership and, if necessary, update you in the system. Once you receive confirmation from a member of the office team, you may go to the Columbia ID Office in 204 Kent Hall to be issued a new ID card.
Please note: The Columbia University Identification Card (CUID) must be presented to gain access to CU Libraries and Dodge Fitness Center.
The University Seminars Director may discontinue a member or associate member's participation without a vote in two circumstances:
- To benefit the seminar's effectiveness
- Due to violations of the Rules of University Conduct or The University Seminars Code of Conduct
- A seminar chair recommends discontinuation to the Director
- The Director investigates the recommendation
- The Director presents findings to the Executive Committee
- The Director makes a final decision based on the Executive Committee's advice and agreement
All such decisions by the Director and Executive Committee are final.
Seminar Membership Rosters
Extended Due Date: November 30, 2024
Action Required:
- Each seminar's chair or rapporteur should email their current membership list to: Gary Mayta Lizarraga ([email protected])
- Include both Columbia members and non-Columbia Associate Members
- If your seminar has no current roster, please send Gary an email specifying that no roster is available
Coming Soon:
A new electronic form for member nominations will be available on this page in December 2024.